
Southern Airlines Changchun Longjia hangar

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Southern Airlines Changchun Longjia hangar project renovation project
Southern Airlines Changchun Longjia hangar (4800 square meters, 24.6 meters high, The hangar doors are 74 metres wide and 20 metres high ), Is a typical ultra-wide gate steel structure tall space factory building. Before the transformation, American CRV gas radiation heating, Heating temperature in winter (the coldest days of winter) is less than 5℃, The surface temperature ≤5℃, The ceiling temperature ≥105℃, As soon as the gate opens, Indoor temperature recovery takes 24 hours, The hangar is almost out of production every winter. The annual heating operation cost of gas radiation is about 2.64 million yuan. After equipment modification, Realize water supply temperature 45℃, backwater temperature 30℃, heating temperature 20℃, temperature gradient ±1℃, Annual heating costs 530000 yuan, The problem of upper and lower temperature gradient in the hangar is solved successfully.
Southern Airlines Changchun Longjia hangar project renovation project
  Southern Airlines Changchun Longjia hangar (4800 square meters, 24.6 meters high, The hangar doors are 74 metres wide and 20 metres high ), Is a typical ultra-wide gate steel structure tall space factory building. Before the transformation, American CRV gas radiation heating, Heating temperature in winter (the coldest days of winter) is less than 5℃, The surface temperature ≤5℃, The ceiling temperature ≥105℃, As soon as the gate opens, Indoor temperature recovery takes 24 hours, The hangar is almost out of production every winter. The annual heating operation cost of gas radiation is about 2.64 million yuan. After equipment modification, Realize water supply temperature 45℃, backwater temperature 30℃, heating temperature 20℃, temperature gradient ±1℃, Annual heating costs 530000 yuan, The problem of upper and lower temperature gradient in the hangar is solved successfully.
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